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Yang Donghui

Source: Date:2024-08-30 Autor: Click:

Yang Donghui, male, from Hengdong, Hunan, holds a PhD in Economic Law. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Law School of Guangxi University, director of the Intellectual Property Research Center at Guangxi University, director of the Economic Law Research Association of the China Law Society, executive director of the Guangxi Civil Law Research Association, executive director of the Hunan Provincial Economic Law Research Association, and a visiting scholar at the University of Washington in the United States. He mainly engages in research on civil and commercial law and economic law. He graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 1993 with a Bachelor's degree in Law, obtained a Master's degree in Jurisprudence from Hunan Normal University in 2002, and a PhD in Economic Law from Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 2009. His more than 60 papers have been published in journals such as Law and Business Research, Law, Political and Legal Forum, Modern Law, Jurist, Law Review, and Politics and Law. Among them, more than 10 papers have been reprinted and excerpted in full by Xinhua Digest, Academic Digest of Humanities in Higher Education Institutions, Chinese Social Science Digest, and Economic Law · Labor Law, Civil and Commercial Law, Litigation Law and Judicial System, Innovation Policy and Management. Four personal academic monographs have been published: (1) Research on Internet Company Law (Jilin University Press, 2009 edition); (2) The Legal Mechanism of State Intervention in the Technology Innovation Market: From the Perspective of Overcoming Market Failure (Law Press, 2014 edition); (3) Research on Legal Regulation of Online Advertising (Intellectual Property Press, 2022 edition); (4) Principles, Structure, and Legal System of Financial Derivatives (Intellectual Property Press, 2023 edition). Hosted one National Social Science Fund project and six provincial and ministerial level projects, including the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project. The paper Antitrust Regulations on Search Engine Manipulation of Search Results won the third prize of the 17th Guangxi Excellent Social Science Achievement Award. The Public Enterprise Law Theory and State Intervention Legal Mechanism in the Science and Technology Innovation Market” proposed by him have a significant impact on the national legal community.

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